Covid-19 has brought many challenges for individuals across the world. For students in Chicago it has been the return to in-person learning and how to navigate the safety protocols to work for everyone.  After extensive research I have been able to isolate the key actions the city should take in order to return safely. 

This Travel Manifesto is an ode to my experience traveling around South Africa and South East Asia a few years ago.  I wrote and created this piece as way to remind myself to always seek adventure, and not compromise my dreams to see more of the world I want to be apart of. ​​​​​​​

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity C+R Research gave me to show off my work. they gave me one week, one informational poster to show off my skills. With complete freedom,  I was able to come up with this explainer on what "Illuminator" their newest approach to  market research. 

Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic, LaSalle Network wanted to make a video tag at the end of their posts to show their support

Give a Sh*t is is about the importance of young voters exercising their right to vote, and why their vote can make a different for themselves in the future and present. 

Dignity Period is an organization that helps young women in Ethiopia who lack access to feminine hygiene products. I researched and wrote the script as well as created the motion design for this project.     ​​​​​​​

In my "Women's Health" class I made an animation to show how STIs and STDs can affect both men and women. This video played throughout the school to spread awareness.

We are a generation that is addicted to our phones.  If we break down our usage to one minute I found just how addicted we really are to our social media platforms.  ​​​​​​​

Chicago holds an annual One Earth Film Festival where the organization reached out and asked me to make an animation for the film called "River Blue"  that would be screening at Columbia. I watched the film and created this animation that compels viewers to take a look at how they contribute to river toxicity. 

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